We invite contributions within a broad range of topics relevant to marine robotic systems and maritime informatics, ranging from sensing, communication and networking to security, robotics, vision and system integration. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
- Maritime sensor architectures
- Maritime robotics, sensors and applications (e.g. ports, robotic cranes)
- Swarm marine robotics applications
- Underwater network (all layers) and system architectures
- Communications and signal processing
- Cooperative marine systems and learning
- Human-robot interaction in marine settings/ human-in-the-loop
- Applications for marine systems, including autonomous vehicles
- Modeling, simulation, testbeds, and standardization for underwater systems and platforms
- Community data infrastructure and public datasets
- Underwater application requirements presented by end users
- Situational awareness
- Ocean observation
- Remote sensing
- Blue Technologies
- Data analytics and machine learning in marine contexts
- Internet of Things (IoT) applications in marine environments
- Smart ports and logistics
Paper Types & Guidelines:
Full Papers 6–8 pages in length using the IEEE paper template . This paper type is appropriate for sharing mature work or analysis of results from completed projects. Full papers should include a clear methodology section and literature review, comparing results against published literature.
Short Papers 3–4 pages in length using the IEEE paper template IEEE paper template . This paper type is appropriate for sharing early stage results from research / projects, work in progress or a snapshot of interim results, experiences and perspectives.
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore Digital Library subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. All papers in IEEE Xplore are indexed to SCOPUS.
*Selected accepted papers will be invited for consideration in a special issue of the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.